Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Song Analysis 2

                                                                                                                                              Colin Feeney

Lose yourself
            Eminem is all about becoming a rapper. Coming from a poor family and a bad environment in the song “Lose Yourself”, Eminem’s usage of encouraging metaphor, rough tone and nervous imagery explains that you have to never give up on whatever you’re trying reach and how “you can do anything you set your mind to, man.” Eminem went through a lot like “being boo’d off stage”, but that did not stop him. He didn’t let any opportunities slip from him because he believed that being famous was the only way to support his family. Working through the day making minimum wage was not his idea of success, so he believed that if he kept trying to become a rapper it would eventually happen.
            Eminem has many examples in this song of a metaphor and uses it in many ways. He uses the line “you only got one shot, do not miss your chance to blow. This opportunity comes one in a lifetime.” Here, Eminem is saying that people usually end up with one chance to be famous or even to just achieve their goal and if they don’t make the best of it they could lose it. This is a metaphor because it sounds like he’s talking about a gun. Eminem also talks about how time keeps counting down and how “the clocks run out.” Eminem is talking about running out of time and missing the opportunity to do what you want in life. The clock isn’t actually running out. If there not ready to take on the opportunity, their time will run out. When Eminem says “the souls escaping, through this hole that is gaping” he is saying that he is finally making it in to the rap industry and his success came faster than he expected. Eminem uses metaphor’s to show how important it was for him becoming so famous and one of the best rappers of all time. Well in my opinion.
            Eminem also uses a really rough tone in this song as well. His voice throughout the whole song id kind of deep and sounds sort of angry. The song starts off slow with this basic beat, then the electric guitar come. Right when the guitar comes there’s a boom sound keeping a steady beat like a drum. The song from there gets really intense and Eminem tears it apart. I love his voice in this song and h does it in a lot of other songs as well.
            Another device that Eminem portrays in this song is imagery. He uses a nervous imagery in it. Eminem’s “palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy, there’s vomit on his sweater already.” He uses this line in the song because he would always be nervous before he would do a rap battle and many times he choked and didn’t say a word. This song is based on his life and as well as the movie Eminem was in called “8 Mile”. This was a really good movie and if you want to see all the imagery, then you should watch the movie. Eminem is the greatest artist EVER!

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